A New Era for R & J Batteries
After 32 years in the battery industry, founding co-director of R & J Batteries, John Webb, has called it a day. “After spending so much time in this industry, I’m looking forward to having a break” John said. “Once I’ve recharged the batteries, I’ll spend a bit of time concentrating on some of my other business interest that I have on the go.”
Founding R & J Batteries with fellow co-director Ray Robson back in 1997, John helped build a business based on a foundation of offering a superior product backed up by superior customer service. Since then R & J Batteries has become a true force in the Australian battery industry and is now widely regarded as the fastest growing battery company in Australia.
“There’s heaps I’m going to miss about this place” John further said. “Mostly the wonderful staff and fantastic customers we have been able to attract. I made some genuine lifelong friends and can’t thank everyone enough for all of their support and friendship over these wonderful years”.
With John leaving the wider R & J Batteries business as of June 30th, July 1st marks a new era for the company. “John has been a true asset to our business” R & J Batteries Director Ray Robson said “ We both knew the sort of business we wanted to create all those years ago, but even then, neither of us knew how quickly things were going to grow”. “John has been a huge part of our business and I can’t thank him enough for all his hard work and efforts over these past years. He’s a wonderful business partner and a great friend. I can only wish he and his wife Lindy, all the best for the future. John will be sadly missed”.
“The future for R & J Batteries is looking stronger than ever. We have new stores opening up as we speak, new distributors coming on line to further spread our national sales footprint and are continually being approach by new suppliers wanting us to take on their products. I’m extremely confident the future holds as much growth for us as the past has” Ray went onto say.
Whilst John is leaving the wider R & J Batteries business, he will remain actively involved in our Tasmania operation, Island Batteries.